Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Mount Foraker Expedition

Abandoning their objective of a first British ascent of the SSE ('French') ridge of Mt Foraker, this two-man team made a successful first ascent of the S face of Mt Hunter to its junction with the SW Read more

Expedition: Sheffield Peruvian Expedition

All five members succeeded in the first ascent of Colque Cruz V (5,965m) in the Cordillera Vilcanota. Two also made a new direct route on the N face of Colque Cruz VI. Read more

Expedition: International Gangotri Expedition

Half of the 17 climbers (Australian, US, South African and four British) succeeded in climbing Kedarnath Dome (6,831m), but bad weather caused them to abandon attempts on the S pillar of Shivling. Read more

Expedition: Anglo-Indian Jitchu Drake (6790m)

Two British men and one Indian woman followed a variation of the 1984 Japanese route up the SE ridge to the S summit of Jitchu Drake (NW Bhutan) and continued to make the first ascent of the N peak. Read more

Expedition: East Face Kedarnath Dome Expedition

This three-man team altered their objective from a pillar in the middle of the unclimbed E face of the Dome to the Polish route leading to the left ridge of the E face. This was abandoned after severe Read more