Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Huayhuash Expedition

This four-member party was obliged to abandon their proposed route on the S ridge of Seria Norte, but succeeded in climbing the S face of Nevado Sarapo (6,127m) in the Huayhuash area of Peru. Read more

Expedition: British Gangotri (Sumeru Parbat)

This eight-member team abandoned their attempt on the W face of Sumeru Parbat, but succeeded on the hitherto unclimbed S ridge, without however proceeding to their ultimate objective of a first Britis Read more

Expedition: Hagshu N Face Expedition

This three-man team, despite logistic and metereological difficulties, managed to climb well over half way up the formidable N face of Hagshu before turning back after three nights of storm. Read more

Expedition: TWTCC Expedition to Central Lahoul

This five-member group abandoned their proposed first ascent of the N face of Minar in favour of the SE ridge of Mulkila. Three reached the col below the summit pyramid at c6,100m. Read more

Expedition: Imperial College Expedition to Mount St Elias

Continuous snowfall and avalanche conditions forced this four-man party to retreat on both the SW buttress and the NW spur of Mt St Elias (Alaska), likewise on the N ridge of Mt Newton. Read more