Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Monte Sarmiento 95

After sailing into the area from Puerto Williams via the Beagle Channel, this international team (1 Briton, 3 Americans and 1 Australian), trekked through dense forest and bogs to establish a camp bel Read more

Expedition: Kyrgyzstan '95

After acclimatising on the Ala Archa mountains south of Bishkek, this team hoped to make first ascents of peaks south of the Kayndy glacier. Their first objective was an unnamed peak, but the leader s Read more

Expedition: Cambridge Geological Project - Bolivia '94

The main object of this trip was to produce a 1:10,000 geological map of a 45 sq km area of Altiplano near the village of Jesus de Machaca, a task that was completed with great success. At the end of Read more

Expedition: North-South Greenland: Phase I

Time constraints have prevented this team from tackling its ambitious project - a N-S Greenland traverse - in a single year, so the journey has been divided into two (unequal) phases. The fIrst one, o Read more

Expedition: Imperial College Hidden Garhwal

This expedition had both scientific and mountaineering aims, and recorded great success in both. After setting up a long-term study into the impact that tourists and trekkers have on the mountain envi Read more