Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Nyanchen Tangla

Always on the lookout for obscure peaks, this year Town selected Jomo Gankar (aka Qunghoganeze), 7,048m, in central Tibet, some 100km NNW of Lhasa, and W of the road to Golmud. The lower one-third of Read more

Expedition: British Karakoram

As the Markhum region of the Karakoram was closed until 1986, Zartgarbin, 5,850m (aka Saue Gerdan), had only received one previous attempt, and that was by a team from a British school. Examination of Read more

Expedition: North Wales Southern Greenland

Five precious days of this expedition were spent waiting for pack ice to clear before they could land on the eastern shore of Tasermiut Fjord. Once there they split into two climbing pairs, Shepherd a Read more

Expedition: Highland Caves of Kalimantan

It was not until two weeks after their arrival in the Indonesian portion of Borneo that this team obtained their permit to proceed to the previously unexplored Muller Range of Eastern Kalimantan. Heav Read more

Expedition: Joint Services Andes 95

In addition to putting all 20 members on the summit of Ancohuma (6,427m) in Bolivia's Cordillera Real and launching two hang gliders from the spot, this mixed team of mainly Service personnel complete Read more