Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Nanga Parbat, Rupal Face

The Burgess twins and Paul Moores succeeded (despite bad weather in early July) in climbing the 4,000m 'Rupal face', the highest rock and ice wall in the world. The party turned back on the summit rid Read more

Expedition: The Northern Ireland Andes Expedition

12 climbers led by Alistair McQuoid of Queen's University, Belfast, successfully tackled 6 minor peaks (5,500-6,000m) in the Peruvian Cordillera Blanca, including some routes thought to be new, in par Read more

Expedition: The Scottish Andean Expedition

R. Barton and A. Fyffe reconnoitred the unclimbed SE face of Nevado Shaqsha (5,703m). They spent an uncomfortable night descending the N ridge of Allpamayo (5,947m) but were defeated by heavy snow on Read more

Expedition: Ladies Scottish Climbing Club Nepal

This was the first all women's expedition to the Himalaya. The team of three visited the previously unmapped Phurbal Chyachumbu glacier. Here they made the first ascent of Gyalgen Peak (6151m) on the Read more

Expedition: Brathay Exploration Group Greenland

Building on the work of previous expeditions to the area, this large team continued the monitoring of the area's glaciers, adding to data which has tracked their movement since 1955. The party also ca Read more