Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Yukon - A Winter Journey

Guy Sheridan's plans to traverse the full length of the Selwyn Mountains from Tungston, in the Mackenzie Mountains, to Dawson was frustrated by bad weather. Only two sections, from Tungston to Macmill Read more

Expedition: East Midlands Universities Peruvian Expedition

Finding that their planned first ascents (Jurau D and Siula Grande W face) had been climbed, Ruddle and Ravenshill substituted two new routes, one on the W face of Trapecio (5,653m), the other on the Read more

Expedition: SAS Mount Everest Expedition

This 13-member team led by M Lane intended to climb Everest by the N face, using oxygen above 7,600m. On 2 April the height of 6,860m was reached on the N face; but on 3 April their advance base, on a Read more

Expedition: Thamserku West Ridge

Mal Duff and Sandy Allan found the approach up the W Thamserku Glacier very difficult. Their line up the N face to the W ridge was subject to stonefall, and the ridge itself of too great a technical d Read more

Expedition: Bristol Devil's Thumb

Steve Monks and Damian Carroll laid siege to the 1,800m N face of the formidable Devil's Thumb (2,767m), 30 miles inland from the sea-board of the Alaskan 'panhandle'. They planned it as a largely ice Read more