Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Welsh Women's Schweizerland Expedition - East Greenland 2003

This expedition planned to explore and climb new routes in Schweizerland. Delayed by bad weather for three days en route to base camp, they then had nine clear days before the bad weather returned. Du Read more

Expedition: Anglo-American Annapurna III SW Ridge

Although previously attempted by at least three siege-style expeditions, the SW ridge of Annapurna III (7,550m) had so far resisted all comers, but this team felt that the route lent itself to an alpi Read more

Expedition: Edinburgh University MC Bolivia

This team had plans to climb in several different areas of Bolivia during their three month stay. However, at the end of their first week in Condoriri, during which a number of existing routes had bee Read more

Expedition: British-Indian NE Frontier - Arunachal Pradesh

This was the first expedition to be allowed into the Khurung River Valley of Arunachal Pradesh, and as a result suffered considerable delays due to army bureaucracy. Once that had been overcome, the 1 Read more

Expedition: China Connection '97

This is a continuation of the 'China Caves' programme that has been supported by the MEF over several years. This time the team selected what was supposed to be the 'dry season' for their attempt to l Read more