Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Welsh Western Patagonia 2005

These stalwarts with short memories returned to Patagonia in the hope of at last making the first ascent of Cerro Aguilera (2,500m). During some of their previous attempts they had not even set foot o Read more

Expedition: Rondoy West Face 2005

For the leader this was a return to an area that he had visited 12 months earlier as a member of lain Rudkin's expedition [MEF 04/37]. Their prime objective was a new route up the obvious ice funnel o Read more

Expedition: 2005 British Habuqung Shan

The Habuqung Shan mountain range lies west of Lhasa and north of Sangsang and is believed to contain 16 peaks over 6,000m, the highest being Dobzebo. Although British climbers visited an area a little Read more

Expedition: British Kero Lungma 2005

This trip was originally proposed by Dave Wilkinson, but he was unable to participate owing to a climbing injury incurred beforehand. The intention was to return to the Kero-Lungma glacier (visited by Read more

Expedition: APEX 2

This was a longer follow-up to APEX Bolivia 2001 [MEF 01/05], with a group of doctors and medical students continuing their research into the effects of altitude on a large group of 'volunteers' at th Read more