Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Interdisciplinary South Pole Innovation & Research Expedition (INSPIRE 22)

The aim of this scientific expedition was to build on the work that has already come out of the MEF-supported metabolic research registry, GPAMrr, by assessing the metabolic tariff imposed on both mal Read more

Expedition: Kara Gakar Exploratory Mountaineering

This team had intended to explore and climb in the remote Dzhalgal-Mau valley of the Borkoldoi Range in Kyrgyzstan, but as they arrived in the area hunters on horseback informed them that this was the Read more

Expedition: Zhungar Alatau

The area south of the Koksu River in the Zhungar Alatau region of Kazakhstan has had few visitors, so offered a good destination for this exploratory expedition. River crossings prevented them from es Read more

Expedition: British Darwin Range 2008

After failing to set foot on Monte Frances (2200m) during an attempt in 2007 (MEF 07/10) due to adverse winds and weather, this team returned to have another go. After sailing from Ushuaia to Caleta O Read more

Expedition: Alpine Club Ak-Shirak on Ski

Based on his experience of Kazakhstan in 2003 (MEF 03/30) and 2006 (MEF 06/09), this leader selected April as the most suitable month for a circuit on ski of the unexplored glacier systems of the nort Read more