Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: White Sail West Face Expedition

Two members of this party succeeded, despite poor weather, shortage of food and five bivouacs above 6,000m, in making the fIrst ascent of Dharmsura ('White Sail', 6,445m), W face. On returning to Base Read more

Expedition: Untamed River Caving Expedition (Papua New Guinea)

The objective of this 12-man team was to explore the underground course of the Nare River (the 'Untamed River') in East New Britain, off Papua New Guinea. After three weeks underground, with at least Read more

Expedition: Cordillera Apolobamba Expedition

Tier and Curran succeeded in the first ascent of Palomani Tranca (5,633m) not, as intended by the short steep N ridge, but by the 3km W ridge. A very mixed snow, ice and rock climb taking two days. Read more

Expedition: Peter Thexton Memorial Expedition to Mt Kenya

In addition to making several difficult ascents in good ice conditions on the S face of Mt Kenya (Diamond Glacier-Ice Window and S face direct), this 11- man team completed a scientific project into m Read more

Expedition: Karakoram Alpine-Style Expedition

This Franco-US-Australian-British party, including Doug Scott, Andy Parkin, AI Rowse and Peter Thexton, made a number of climbs from two base camps, one at Urdukas for some fine granite-wall climbing Read more