Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Virgin Summits - Tibet 2003

As a result of recent exploration by Tamotsu Nakamura of the Japanese Alpine Club, the Nyenchentangla East range of Tibet is becoming a popular venue for climbers such as these, who are seeking someth Read more

Expedition: Vietnam 2003

For some team members, this was their eighth caving expedition to Vietnam undertaken in conjunction with cavers from Hanoi University. As well as returning to previously visited areas, several others Read more

Expedition: Antarctic Convergence Zone

In a voyage from New Zealand via Cape Horn totalling 15,000km, this team (which included representatives from Canada, NZ, Switzerland and the US, in addition to the UK) sailed to the Antarctic Peninsu Read more

Expedition: British-Indian Suitilla

Suitilla ('Peak of Needles') has been described as 'one of the finest unclimbed peaks in the Kumaon, if not the whole of the Indian Himalaya'. It is located in a fairly remote restricted area, 15km fr Read more

Expedition: British Cape Renard Tower 2000

The ascent of the N Face of this 747m tower (actually a separate island) on the edge of Antarctica has become something of an obsession for this three-man team, despite the major logistical problems e Read more