Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British South Georgia 2005

After sailing 1,300km from Port Stanley to land at Larsen Harbour on Novak's yacht Pelagic, this team skied up the Philippi, and eventually onto the southern Spenceley Harmer glacier, to start a very Read more

Expedition: South Georgia '05

With a change of team, this was to some extent a continuation of 05/11, using Gambo to access South Georgia. The bad weather continued, with a pressure drop to 930mb causing 'unbelievable winds'. In 1 Read more

Expedition: British Kajaqiao 2005

Although located in an area of Tibet officially closed to foreigners, in 2004 Fowler received a permit for an attempt on Kajaqiao (6,447m) in the Nyainqentanghla East Range. However it was 'the wrong Read more

Expedition: Hong Meigui Yunnan 2005

This was a follow-up to recent expeditions [including MEF 03/49 & 04/54] to the Zhongdian limestone plateau at 4,300m in Yunnan Province which seemed to indicate massive caving potential. In parti Read more

Expedition: British Aguilera 2004

British explorers are nothing if not determined: ever since reading of an isolated peak on the Wilcox Peninsula of Chilean Patagonia spotted by Tilman in 1957, Hillebrandt has been hoping to make its Read more