Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Shan Plateau 2013

This was the fourth caving expedition to visit the Shan State of Myanmar (Burma) since access to foreign visitors was allowed in 2010. The prime aim of this trip was to continue the exploration of cav Read more

Expedition: Sangemarmar 1999

This team hoped to make an alpine-style ascent of the unclimbed N Ridge of Sangemarmar (6,949m) in the Batura Mustagh: the peak's only official ascent was by a Japanese team in 1984, via the SW Ridge. Read more

Expedition: Alaskan Walls 1997

After a week of high standard rock climbing in Yosemite, this pair flew into Ruth Gorge to find it unseasonably warm. As a result, attempts on the S Face of Mt Bradley, 2,774m, and the S Face of Mt Di Read more

Expedition: Oxford University Mountaineering Club Kishtwar 1981

Despite bad weather which confined most of the party in Camp II for 6 days, four members of the 6-man Oxford team succeeded in 2 parties, at an interval of a week, in making the ascent of Agyasol (6,2 Read more

Expedition: Spiti 1955

In an expedition which set out to investigate the valleys around the Kulu-Spiti watershed, the party succeeded in making ascents of Guan Nelda and an unnamed peak c. 20,050 ft which formed part of a r Read more