Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Elbrus Dragon 2008

This was a group of healthy volunteers from Swansea and Cardiff universities (including doctors and medical students) who planned to undergo simple non-invasive tests before, during and after an ascen Read more

Expedition: British Darwin Range 2007

Using the yacht Iorana (skipper Marcel de Letter from Belgium) to access the Cordillera Darwin Range of Chilean Tierra del Fuego, this pair of climbers originally planned to explore and attempt the fI Read more

Expedition: New Zealand Himalaya Alpine Style

These climbers attempted two new routes on Changabang (6,864m) in the Kumaon Himalaya. Brown and Jefferies attempted the north face and Alder, Beare and Darragh the west ridge, both groups operating i Read more

Expedition: Kalanka North Face 2007

Although several teams have tried to climb the north face of Kalanka (6,931m), so far only one, from Czechoslovakia, has been successful, and that was with the aid of fixed ropes. As the face is consi Read more

Expedition: British Sikkim 2007

Persistence eventually paid off for this pair when they at last received permission to climb in north Sikkim, although not on Gurodongmar, at 6,7l5m the highest peak in the area and their hoped-for ob Read more