Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Irish Kishtwar Himalayan Expedition

The team travelled by plane to Dehli and from there to Kishtwar via bus. From here they made their way to basecamp over several days. They were initially forced to abandon their plans for the Eiger du Read more

Expedition: Meltwater Drainage through the Mackenzie Mountains

All three members of this expedition are researchers with a focus on the ice sheets of North America – their extent, their deglaciation and the associated effects on the landscape. The central aim of Read more

Expedition: The World’s Most Northern Caves

In the latter half of July 2023 this team of six travelled to northern Greenland where they explored a number of promising cave sites, collecting samples from speleothem deposits to aid with paleoclim Read more

Expedition: ENIGMA: Examining the physical conditions of a high-elevation Himalayan glacial lake

This team of three researchers succeeded in installing a series of submersible temperature sensors at varying depths in a glacial lake of the Thulagi glacier. Temperature readings gathered during the Read more

Expedition: Pakistan Para-Alpinism 2023

Initially based in Hunza, the expedition spent three weeks exploring the surrounding peaks using a combination of paragliding, skiing and climbing. During this time, as well as landing on a number of Read more