Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Anglo-American Kokshaal-Too

The American/German portion of this team limbered up on ice/mixed routes of Scottish IV/V on peaks up to 4,600m in the Ala Archa before heading for Kokshaal-Too, the most southern range of the Tien Sh Read more

Expedition: European Tien Shan '95

This young multinational party (English/French/Norwegian) visited an area 80km SW of Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan, and succeeded in climbing seven peaks over 4,000m, including the highest in the area Read more

Expedition: British Tokositna/Kahiltna

After making the first ascent of the central summit of Mount Thunder (3,292m) via its S face, this two-man team spent a frustrating week waiting to be picked up and flown to Kahiltna Base. From here t Read more

Expedition: Cathedral Spires

This four-man team achieved the first ascent of the S face of Sunrise Spire (2,408m) in Kitchatna, Alaska in seven days climbing of which approximately half was aid climbing (Grade 6/5.10/A3). Read more

Expedition: Chukatan '93

A mixed team of six hoped to climb Peak 5,753m from the Barpu glacier, but in view of continuous bad weather they switched their objective to GirgindillI (5750m), on which they reached 5,500m before a Read more