Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British East Ridge Meru Expedition

Unstable snow conditions prevented this nine-member team from achieving their objective of the first ascent of the E ridge of Meru (6,672m, Gangotri area); they turned back at 6,300m. Some had the con Read more

Expedition: British Trinity Peak Expedition

Owing partly to bad weather and partly to an accident (non-fatal), this seven- member party did not establish itself very high on their objective of the unclimbed SE face of Trinity Peak (6,800m) at t Read more

Expedition: ASPEX '90 Anglo-Soviet Pamir Caving Expedition

11 British pot-holers co-operated with 10 Soviet speleologists in a preliminary exploration of an extensive cave system in the limestone wall of the Hodja Gur Gur Ata Plateau (3,921m) in the Bajsuntai Read more

Expedition: Hushe Valley Expedition

This determined two-man team, despite bad weather, climbed Parantha Peak (5,300m), the Dru (6,000m) twice (once by the W, once by the S couloir), the N face of Tower Peak (5,800m) and the S face of Pa Read more

Expedition: British Bhutan Expedition

This team of six aimed to make the first ascent of Gangkar Punsum, highest mountain in Bhutan (7,550m) by the S ridge. They turned back at 6,700m in view of strong winds on the heavily corniced ridge. Read more