Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Mount Augusta

A four-man team achieved the first British ascent of Mount Augusta (4,289m) by the 1953 N ridge route, after they had reached a long corniced section at c3,000m on their proposed new route on the E ri Read more

Expedition: British Shani North Face

This six-man team hoped to make the first ascent of the N face of Shani (5,885m). After climbing Sentinel (5,260m) by the Ordinary Route to acclimatise, heavy snow prevented them from attempting their Read more

Expedition: Torres del Paine

Two of this four-member team succeeded in a new route (600m of A2/A3 and some A4) on the Central Pillar of the Torres del Paine. They named the route EI Regalo de Mowana (the Gift of the Tehuelche God Read more

Expedition: Shani North Face Expedition

This two-member team climbed Sentinel (Boom) but bad weather and illness prevented them from achieving their objective of a first ascent of the N face of Shani Peak (5,880m) in the Naltar valley. Read more

Expedition: British Thalay Sagar Expedition

The climbing party of four attempted the unclimbed S face of Thalay Sagar (6,904m) in the Garhwal from the Phating glacier, but, owing to bad weather, they turned back at 6,400m at the foot of the hea Read more