Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Pumari Chhish

Despite being close to the Hispar-Biafo Glacier trekking route, only one of the summits of Pumari Chhish - the North, 7,492m - has been climbed, the ascent using 2,300m of fixed rope. With experience Read more

Expedition: Scottish Latok III - North Spur

Latok III, 6,949m, has only had two ascents, neither of them by a British team. This party hoped to change that by making the first ascent of the North Spur, but due to avalanches and collapsing serac Read more

Expedition: British Army Kang Yissay

The main aim of this team from the Army Intelligence Corps was to make the first ascent of the NE Ridge of Kang Yissay I, 6,400m, in Ladakh. From a camp at 5,800m, a steep ascent (AD) took them onto t Read more

Expedition: British Meru East Face

Although the IMF had given permission for this team to attempt the highest peak in Himachal Pradesh (Reo Purgyil, 6,816m), following a week in which nuclear tests had been carried out, this was revoke Read more

Expedition: Durham University Karakoram

This group of university graduates and undergraduates planned to study the geological evolution of the Nanga Parbat syntaxis, a unique structure in the Karakoram mountains. However, to their surprise, Read more