Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Exercise Boreal Zenith

This expedition, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Army Mountaineering Association, visited Andrees Land in north-east Greenland - an area possibly not visited by climbers since the fiftie Read more

Expedition: CUMC Centenary Kangerdlugssuaq 2005

Bad weather delayed this team's arrival in Greenland and then kept them tent-bound for three days 60km short of their intended landing area. However, once the weather improved, they made the first asc Read more

Expedition: Grand Poohbah

Maintaining his reputation for visiting remote mountain areas, this year Paul Knott chose the Fersmana glacier basin in the central region of Western Kokshaal-Too. The aim of his team was to explore a Read more

Expedition: 'Dusk till Dawn' Alaska Kichatna 04

Middle Triple Peak (2,693m) in the remote Kichatna Spires area (aka Cathedral Spires) has only been climbed a few times, and this team hoped to make the first ascent of its SE pillar as the start of a Read more

Expedition: Miyar 2004

This must surely be the first time that local politics has come to the aid of an expedition! To reach the Miyar glacier in Western Lahul this team had to cross the Rohtang La, but on arrival the pass Read more