Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Scottish Bhagirathi III Expedition

AlIen Fyffe and Bob Barton succeeded in their objective-the unclimbed SW Pillar of Bhagirathi III (6,454m). They took 11 days on the climb from the Brown Tower, bivouacking on inadequate ledges for th Read more

Expedition: The Royal Aircraft Establishment Mountaineering Club

The Royal Aircraft Establishment Mountaineering Club sent a team of 6, led by Major Rod Wilson, to Kishtwar with the object of climbing 'Flat Top' (6,100m). The approach was from Suid by the Nanth ull Read more

Expedition: The Merseyside Himalayan Expedition

The expedition set out to surevy and climb in the region between Guarisankar and Cho Oyu. Between the Rowaling, the area around the Tolam Ban Glacier and the Menlung Valley, they climbed a total of 19 Read more

Expedition: Welsh Himalayan Expedition

After an overland journey to Nepal by car, the expedition was derailed when, on 21 October, Wignall and Harrop, along with their liaison officer Damodar, sherpa guide Koila and three porters crossed t Read more

Expedition: Crozets or Head Island or Kerguelan Islands