Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1805 results for "":

Expedition: Sangemarmar 1999

This team hoped to make an alpine-style ascent of the unclimbed N Ridge of Sangemarmar (6,949m) in the Batura Mustagh: the peak's only official ascent was by a Japanese team in 1984, via the SW Ridge. Read more

Expedition: UK Hindu Kush 1999 (Saraghrar)

Although attempted by five students from Oxford in 1958, Saraghrar (7,349m) was first climbed in 1959 by an Italian party approaching from the east. The present team hoped to make the first British as Read more

Expedition: British Shel Chakpa 1999

Originally naming their expedition after the nearby village of Doko (in the Arandu valley south of the Biafo), on arrival in the vicinity this team found that the locals called their prominent 5,800m Read more

Expedition: Karavshin-Lailiak '99

Parnell and Pretty travelled out in advance of the others, intending to spend a month climbing in the Lailiak area. After two weeks with little more than bouldering due to bad weather, they decided to Read more

Expedition: Pamirs '99

The Zaalayskiy Khrebet range, lying at the eastern edge of the Pamir on the border of Kyrgyzstan with Tajikistan and China, was politically out of bounds from the late 1950s, so is little explored. Ho Read more