Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Women's Sat Marao 96

Maps of the area surrounding the Sat Marao Glacier (north of Chait) are vague and confused, so this team hoped to clarify the situation, and climb some of the surrounding mountains as well. In the onl Read more

Expedition: Rupshu (Ladakh)

This team had planned to explore a recently opened area of Ladakh, and make the first ascent of Thalda Kurmis (6,666m), but just before their departure they were informed that their permit had been re Read more

Expedition: British Himlung

For the leader, this was a return to a 7,126m peak on which he failed in 1992. Unfortunately, history repeated itself and continuous snow and wind caused the attempt to be abandoned at c6,400m on the Read more

Expedition: Durham University Mountaineering Club Sim Gang Glacier 1994

After establishing an advanced Base Camp at the head of the Sim Gang glacier, this team picked an interesting but unnamed peak (c5,800m), and in one day climbed to within 150m of its summit. At this p Read more

Expedition: Sarmiento

This trip started with an invitation from the Federacion de Andinismo de Chile to form a joint British-Chilean expedition, but in the end no Chileans were available to join the four British climbers. Read more