Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Moskus Expedition

The dual approach of this expedition aimed to make first ascents of two unclimbed peaks whilst also conducting climate change research on the Roslin Glacier. Over 10 days they made the initial approac Read more

Expedition: Wegener Halvø Peninsula

Whilst the caves on the Wegener Halvø Peninsula have been known about for some time, little is known about their make up. The team aimed to address this knowledge gap by undertaking exploration, sedim Read more

Expedition: British Nanda Devi East Expedition

The objective of the expedition was to make a first ascent of the North East Ridge of Nanda Devi East which had previously been attempt in 2015 but Martin Moran and Mark Thomas. With Dave Sharpe alrea Read more

Expedition: Sani Pakush Expedition

With prior experience climbing on the northeast spur of Sani Pakush in 1998, Peter Thompson returned with Philip De-Beger to attempt a new alpine route on the northeast spur and east ridge in what wou Read more

Expedition: Greenland Arctic Challenge 2004/2005

Continuing his exploration of the coastal mountains of Greenland from the sea, this leader sailed his 10-metre sloop from Scotland, and initially anchored in the 24km long Kangerduarssugssuaq Fjord. F Read more