Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Cambridge Ecuadorian Andes Expedition

This scientific expedition completed their studies of the thermal balance of the Caldera Glacier of El Altar and of the tree Polylepsis Incana, finding conditions warmer and wetter than expected. They Read more

Expedition: Bhagirathi I

Despite sickness and very poor weather conditions, Martin Moran, John Mothersele and Charles Heard succeeded in their second attempt on the hitherto unclimbed W ridge of Bhagirathi I. With its Chamoni Read more

Expedition: University College of the West Indies Sierra Nevada Expedition

Expedition: Bristol University Zanskar & N Himalaya

The expedition set out with the object of visiting the Zangskar Valley in Ladakh, N. India. A mountaineering reconnaissance was made on the approach march and one new peak, Segali Mentok Riga (5669m), Read more

Expedition: Mulu Caves 2022

This large expedition party worked in several teams; exploring surveying and photographing 6.5km of new cave passage, as well as resurveying 5km of previously discovered passages. They also made a div Read more