Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Menlungtse Norwegian-British Tibet Expedition

Bonington and Fotheringham and their four Norwegian partners approached Menlungtse (7,182m), designated in Chinese as Qiao Ge Ru, from Tingri and the north. After inspecting the N side of this magnifi Read more

Expedition: North London Mountaineering Club Spantik Expedition 1987

Fowler and Saunders succeeded in climbing the formidable NW Pillar of Spantik (7,027m), a monolithic feature rising in a continuous sweep of 1,800m, approaching it by the Barpu Glacier from Nagar. Read more

Expedition: Oksfjordjokulen Sheffield University Expedition

Eight graduates and four students undertook an extensive survey of the Oksfjordjokulen ice-caps and of the 'Fall-Jokul' (detached glacier cones), in particular their geomorphological impact. The head Read more

Expedition: British Mount Hunter Expedition

Richardson and Hart succeeded in their bold objective of a complete traverse of Mt Hunter in Alaska (4,442m) in a 12-day alpine-style push. (Of the two previous traverses, one had taken four months, t Read more

Expedition: Southampton University, Baffin Island Expedition

The high cost of local rations from the Hudson Bay store at Pagnirtung limited the scope of this expedition, based at Summit Lake on the Weasel River in the Cumberland Peninsula. Sediment sampling fro Read more