Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Joint North Wales Beatrice

This was actually two separate expeditions — one all-male and one all-female — each attempting new big-wall routes on the SE Face of Beatrice, 5,900m, above the Charakusa Glacier. Both teams were succ Read more

Expedition: Northern Chuiskiy

The Maashey Valley is virtually unknown, and had never previously been visited by British or American climbers. Hence this enterprising team had no problems in finding something 'new' to climb. They s Read more

Expedition: Oxford University Schweizerland 96

With the declared aim of making at least ten first ascents, it might have been thought that this team was being somewhat optimistic. In the event, despite regular blizzards, they climbed no less than Read more

Expedition: Cherskiy Mountains

As the first Westerners to visit these mountains in NE Siberia, this team had the area to itself and were able to achieve 7 first ascents of peaks approx 3,000m high. A pencilled line on a 1:500,000 p Read more

Expedition: NI Greenland

This party of six planned to use sea kayaks to explore the area at the head of Sermilik Fjord, but heavy icebergs prevented entry to the fjord. However, they climbed a number of small peaks on the E s Read more