Mount Everest Foundation
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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Ardang Expedition

After waiting out a few days' storm at their first planned objective on peaks south of Nying Khola, the team ultimately decided to move on rather than wait for more settled weather. They hiked over to Read more

Expedition: The Huayhuash Hikers

Although much of the Cordillera Huayhuash range of Peru has become popular in recent years, its southern spur has been largely ignored, particularly from an eastern approach. The group focused on two Read more

Expedition: Nevado Huaguruncho Southwest face 2006

This team chose the Cordillera Oriental of Peru which, as one of the less frequented mountain ranges, they hoped would provide plenty of scope for exploration and virgin peaks/new routes. They only ex Read more

Expedition: Cochamó Big Wall & Alpine

It is unusual to aim for two contrasting climbs during the same expedition, but that was the aim of this team, two members of which had already achieved some impressive big-wall climbing in Peru and C Read more

Expedition: Sea to the Sky, St Elias 2000

This team's 'purist' plan to start climbing from Icy Bay after sailing from Vancouver had to be shelved when their boat was damaged by another vessel, and the approach was completed by hire car with a Read more