Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Gorphwysfa Himalayan Expedition

The Gorphwysfa Himalayan Expedition, a party of 10, mostly in their forties or fifties, led by John Jackson, attempted the S face of Mrigthuni (6,850m) in the Nanda Devi Basin just E of Trisul, but we Read more

Expedition: A Journey on Skis through the Western Himalaya

Guy Sheridan with 2 Norwegian friends accomplished this remarkable journey from Srinagar, through Zanskar, to Manali on skis, between 27 February and 28 March 1981. To avoid dependence on scanty local Read more

Expedition: Kunyang Kish (7852m)

David Wilkinson led a lightweight 3-man team to tackle this complex and dangerous peak ('The Savage Mountain') on which a Briton, a Japanese and a Pole had each been killed in their respective expedit Read more

Expedition: The Irish Andean Expedition

7 climbers, led by Calvin Torrans, visited the wall of peaks on the S side of the Santa Cruz valley in the Cordillera Blanca of Peru, with the particular objective of the 3 peaks of Nevado Caraz. One Read more

Expedition: Cambridge University Anti-Taurus