Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Ama Dablam Winter Expedition

The Burgess twins and a Canadian planned an alpine-style winter ascent of the SW ridge of Ama Dablam. No fixed ropes were used up to a point above the Yellow Tower. On 19 December high winds which sho Read more

Expedition: Imperial College Ruwenzori Expedition

As the E side of the Ruwenzori massif had been occupied by Museveni's National Resistance Guerrillas, this party had to abandon their plans for Ruwenzori. They substituted a visit to Mount Kenya on wh Read more

Expedition: Multi-Peak Alpine-Style Expedition to the Makalu Region

This British-American-Nepalese party of 12, led by Doug Scott, combined family climbing from an attractive Base Camp at 4,900m with ascents of Baruntse (7,220m), the hitherto unclimbed E and Central s Read more

Expedition: Rondoy West Face

Jon Tinker, finding himself on his own, joined two Czech climbers in an attempt on the unclimbed W face of Rondoy. This failed and Tinker's fall at the last pitch prevented his joining the successful Read more

Expedition: The Coventry (Lanchester) Polytechnic Research

13-member team carried out successful glaciological research and mapping in the Hullet-Nordgletscher and Tasermiut Fjord areas of SW Greenland, from their base camp at Narssarssuaq. Read more