Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Malubiting Expedition

This four-man team was frustrated by bad weather in their attempt on Malubiting (7,432m) from its hitherto unclimbed S side. Their approach via Dassu and the Baskal glacier was chosen for its proximit Read more

Expedition: British Shani Expedition

Abandoning their original objective of a NE-W traverse, this party made a second ascent of Shani (5,800m) from the Naltar valley. (See also 88/46, AJ94, 278, 1989/90.) Read more

Expedition: China Caves: Guangxi Team

16 British cavers working with 12 Chinese from the Institute of Karst Geology in Guilin split into three groups to explore the Tisu River, possibly the largest underground river in the world; also the Read more

Expedition: British East Kishtwar

Two members made a successful first ascent of Peak c6,300m between the Umasi La and the Muni La in East Kishtwar at the head of the Chomochior glacier. They have proposed the name of Chomochior for th Read more

Expedition: Anglo-Scottish Women's Andean Expedition

This party retreated at 5,500m on Cololo in Bolivia. On the descent one member became very ill. Their camp was looted and one member was threatened. Read more