Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Hagshu North Face

These three climbers repeated their 1989 attempt on the N face of Hagshu (6,300m) but again were foiled by bad weather, at about 5,550m. Read more

Expedition: British Latok II

This eight-member party's objective of the first ascent of the W ridge of Latok II was foiled by bad weather at 20,000ft, after three attempts. Read more

Expedition: British Andean Volcanoes Expedition

This two-man team made a winter ascent of Licancabur (5,916m), via the E spur, and went on to climb Volcan Simbad (5,924m), Cerro de Pili (6,046m), Volcan Lascar (5,641m), and Ojos del Salado (6,885m) Read more

Expedition: Kashmir to Kulu Ski Traverse

This four-member party succeeded in their objective of skiing from Kashmir through Zanskar and Lahul to Kulu, taking 32 days, covering 600km and crossing five major passes. Read more

Expedition: British Bhrigupanth Expedition

This four-man team succeeded in the first ascent of the NE face of Bhrigupanth (Gangotri) to a point (c6,570m) within 200m of the summit. They went on to make the first ascent of Bhrigu Pathar (6,038m Read more