Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: The Bristol Nun Kun Expedition

This 7-man team was led by Steven Berry, whose father had made an early attempt on the E ridge of Nun, including (in the International Year of the Disabled) the indomitable Norman Croucher, who has tw Read more

Expedition: 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards Expedition to KR4

A 12-man party led by Capt. Charles Hookey, with the doctor Lt. Col. Hardie as lead climber. Hardie and Davies succeeded in reaching the hitherto unclimbed summit of KR4 (6,370m) on 8 September and in Read more

Expedition: Makalu - Kangchuntse (or Makalu II) 1980

This 4-member, lightweight, alpine-style team, including Doug Scott and Roger Baxter-Jones, made their base camp in late September where the Chago Glacier joins the Barun. Kangchuntse (Makalu II) was Read more

Expedition: The Pinnacle Club Lahaul Expedition (1980)

Eight ladies from the Pinnacle Club led by Sheila Cormack spent a month making an intensive exploration of the peaks surrounding the head of the Gumba Nullah, a branch of the Miyar Nullah which joins Read more

Expedition: Kishtwar Himalaya-Sickle Moon (6639m)

A 7-man Cumbrian team under Ron Rutland attempted an untried line on the steep ice-face leading directly to the summit. From a bivouac at 5,200m, grade IV/V ice pitches were overcome, but rapidly dete Read more