Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1805 results for "":

Expedition: South-East Greenland Traverse

This proposed traverse was abandoned as a result of the collapse of one member who had to be evacuated from four days out on the ice cap from Sangmileq Fjord. Read more

Expedition: British Andean Volcanoes Expedition

This two-man team made a winter ascent of Licancabur (5,916m), via the E spur, and went on to climb Volcan Simbad (5,924m), Cerro de Pili (6,046m), Volcan Lascar (5,641m), and Ojos del Salado (6,885m) Read more

Expedition: British Bhrigupanth Expedition

This four-man team succeeded in the first ascent of the NE face of Bhrigupanth (Gangotri) to a point (c6,570m) within 200m of the summit. They went on to make the first ascent of Bhrigu Pathar (6,038m Read more

Expedition: New Zealand Alpine Club Kulu Centennial

This 18-member party had as its objectives Papsura (6,451m), Devachan (6,187m) and Sentinel (5,939m) at the head of the Tos Nullah. Devachan and Sentinel (by W ridge) were climbed but the attempt on P Read more

Expedition: Shingkhang Expedition

This team of two women abandoned an attempt on Shingkhang (5,900m) at the head of the Aling glacier off the Hushe valley, owing to dangerous collapsing seracs, in favour of an attempt on Crown Peak an Read more