Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Kusum Kangguru

Two of the three climbing members of the party succeeded in the first ascent of the S ridge of Kusum Kangguru (6,369m), having approached the mountain up the Kusum Khola. (See AJ97, pp22-26) This asce Read more

Expedition: Cerro Kishtwar

Two groups of the six-member party nearly made the first ascent of Cerro Kishtwar (6,220m) by two routes on the NW face, but retreated loom from the summit. Read more

Expedition: British Gasherbrum II

This 8-member team (2 British) undertook to climb Gasherbrum II (7,772m), alpine style, and very nearly succeeded, but were defeated by incessant bad weather and strong winds. Read more

Expedition: Hagshu Kishtwar Himalayan Expedition 1983

Deterred from reaching the Hagshu La by unseasonably heavy floods both on the Chenab and on the Doda to the North, this party led by R. Finklaire changed their objective to unclimbed point 5861m in th Read more

Expedition: Everest West Ridge (Winter)

A strong team led by Al Rouse and including Joe Tasker, Paul Nunn and the Burgess twins encountered 'some of the most difficult, coldest, windiest conditions on earth' but found it 'an experience of t Read more