Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Sumur Valley Expedition

The plan was to ascend the Sumur valley in Ladakh with the objective of exploring the complex glacier system at its head, and to climb one or more virgin peaks, before crossing to the Upper Rassa glac Read more

Expedition: Kichatna Spires

Twid’s original partner for this trip was Paul Ramsden but at the last minute Paul found he was unable to get a visa because of business trips made to Libya. Miles Bright was a short notice substitute Read more

Expedition: Greenland North Liverpool Land Expedition

In a highly prolific expedition the team climbed eight new routes and summited eleven new peaks from the Neild Bugt Glacier. They found conditions to initially be far colder and under greater snowfall Read more

Expedition: Anglo-New Zealand Kishtwar Expedition

The team set themselves two potential objectives of the North Spur of Flat Top (6100m) and South West Face of Kishtwar Eiger (6000m). After setting base camp at Sattarchin they acclim Read more

Expedition: Oasis Peak Expedition

Following their research in advance of the expedition, the partnership believed they were likely the first documented expedition to North Baird Glacier in over 40 years. They set themselves two object Read more