Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1797 results for "1":

Expedition: Khan Tengri

First ascents of around 5000m+ above the North Inylchek Glacier in Kyryzstan. In an interesting approach to acclimatisation Miller and Kernick climbed Khan Tengri (7010m) before joining Ford and Hollo Read more

Expedition: Sersank Expedition

Sersank is a 6050 m peak at the head of the Sural Valley in Himachal Pradesh. It was approached over the Rhotang Pass from Manali to Sural Butori, followed by a two day trek through the Sural Valley t Read more

Expedition: Gangstang

After permission was refused for their first objective (Rimo III) they changed target to the NW Ridge of Gangstang (6163m) in the Lahaul district of Himachal Pradesh. They drove via Manali to the road Read more

Expedition: Jiptik

An attempt on the unclimbed North face of Muz-Tok (5066m), part of the Pamir Alai range in South West Kygyzstan, and with three other unclimbed peaks as possible secondary objectives. The approach was Read more

Expedition: Kondus Valley

The original objective was to be Link Sar but they were advised it was unlikely a permit would be granted. They subsequently changed their target to Muchu Chhish in the Bartura Group of the Pakistan K Read more