Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1797 results for "1":

Expedition: Royal Navy East Greenland 1966

The expedition set out with the aims of exploring the region west of the Femstjernen glacier, to make a number of first ascents of unclimbed peaks and to complete a programme of geological research. T Read more

Expedition: Imperial College Cordillera Real Expedition 1972

After making their way to La Paz, the expedition hired a lorry to take them across the Altoplano and on to the village of Cooco, where they hired porters and llamas for the onward journey to base camp Read more

Expedition: Imperial College Peruvian Andes Expedition 1972

This expedition set out in the hopes of locating and surveying previously undocumented caves around La Oroya and Palcamayo in Peru. They had most success around Palcamayo where they successfully locat Read more

Expedition: Joint Services Chilean Patagonia 1972-73

Eleven members of the British Services and two Chilean Army Officers (who withdrew from the expedition after one month) explored the northern Patagonia ice-cap (Heilo Patagonia del Norte) carrying out Read more

Expedition: Durham University Himalayan