Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Revelation Mountains

The original objective for Ben Silvestre and Peter Graham was the central couloir on Pyramid Peak, but they discovered that they would not be able to land on the Revelation Glacier, so transferred the Read more

Expedition: Sheffield Patagonia

A party of three led by Tom Ripley attempting routes on Aguga CAT and Aguja Bifida. After unsuccessful attempts on the California Route and the Afanassieff ridge on Fitzroy, they repeated the Comesana Read more

Expedition: Jangpar Wall Expedition

The main objective was to make an alpine ascent of the N Spur of the unclimbed Peak 5755 in the Miyar Valley in Himachal Pradesh. The approach was via Manali and the Rohtang Pass to the roadhead at Kh Read more

Expedition: Khumbu Glacier

This was the second of a series of three campaigns studying supraglacial pond development and melt at ice cliffs on the debris covered Khumbu Glacier. An ascent of Lobuche East (6090m) gave them a goo Read more

Expedition: QUBMC Kaindy Expedition

New routes and unclimbed peaks from the basin of the Kaindy Glacier, south of the Inilchik Glacier in central Tien Shan. They flew to Bishkek, travelled by road via Karakol to Maydaadyr, and from ther Read more