Mount Everest Foundation
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1805 results for "":

Expedition: Menlungtse Norwegian-British Tibet Expedition

Bonington and Fotheringham and their four Norwegian partners approached Menlungtse (7,182m), designated in Chinese as Qiao Ge Ru, from Tingri and the north. After inspecting the N side of this magnifi Read more

Expedition: Anglo-French Garhwal Geological Expedition

Eleven British and four French geologist/climbers visited the Bhagirathi and Shivling area of Gangotri, collecting granite samples. The climbers made three unsuccessful attempts on the NW ridge (up to Read more

Expedition: Latok 2 Karakoram Expedition

This strong team, after climbing to over 7,000m on their objective - the W ridge of Latok 2 (7,145m) - were forced to retreat after three days stormbound at the highest camp. Read more

Expedition: British/New Zealand Gasherbrum Expedition (Nationwide Estate Agency Karakoram 8000)

Following the Austrian 1956 route on Gasherbrum II (8,035m), two members reached the summit on 28 June, but on skiing down JP Hefti skidded on ice and suffered fatal injuries from a fall. A further th Read more

Expedition: British Expedition to Broad Peak (8047m)

This four-man team included Norman Croucher, the remarkable double-leg amputee. The party, including Croucher, reached 6,900m, but avalanche risk and weather conditions put a stop to further progress. Read more