Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: London School of Economics MC Himalayan 1956

The party completed a traverse of the Biafo-Hispar glacier system and achieved the ascents of three peaks in the area surrounding Snow Lake. Their attempt on Lukpe Lawo Brakk (the highest peak around Read more

Expedition: British Army Axel Heiberg 1972

This Army Adventurous Training Exercise aimed to climb virgin peaks in the Princess Margaret Range and to carry out a simple scientific programme on behalf of British universities and a wildlife surve Read more

Expedition: Leicester Polytechnic Students Greenland 1972

The expedition was centred on Kugssuataiq in SW Greenland and climbed a number of the granite peaks in that area. The team also studied the effects of glaciation on the ecology of the area, including Read more

Expedition: Icy Mountain Traverse

Expedition: Sisne Himal