Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Karakoram Traverse

Though this four-member team were unable to complete their objective by crossing the Virjerab Pass to Shimshal, they did much exploration, partly on ski, of the Nobande Sobande glacier area, making a Read more

Expedition: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta 1957

Having visited this area three years prior and identified an easy access route to the range, Cunningham gathered another party for an expedition in 1957 which aimed to explore the lower and less-visit Read more

Expedition: British-Pakistani Forces Himalayan 1958

Building on the experience of the 1956 British-American Karakoram Expedition, this party established a series of camps up Rakaposhi's (7788m) south-west spur to a height of 23,000 feet. From here, Bro Read more

Expedition: British Cerro Torre 1967/68

Expedition: Innominate Mountaineering Group Karakoram 1968

The expedition travelled overland from the UK, leaving on 2 July and arriving in Islamabad on 17 of that month. They approached their chosen peak, Miangul Sar (known locally as Dingi Sar) via Kalam, G Read more