Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Sepu Kangri 1998

Before the main body of this expedition attempted the principal objective of making the first ascent of Sepu Kangri, 6,956m, in the eastern Nyenchen Tanglha (sometimes known as Nyangla-Qen-Tangla Shan Read more

Expedition: British Thunder Mountain & Mount Hunter 1997

After five attempts on the Central Spur of Thunder Mountain (c 3,350m) this team switched its attention to the gully line on the left, which was climbed in a continuous 42-hour round trip. The route, Read more

Expedition: 1997 Scottish Torssuqatoq Spires

The rock spires of Cape Farewell have become very popular with British climbers over recent years. After several flights and a boat trip from Nanortalik, this team set up Base Camp at the head of Nars Read more

Expedition: Oxford University Department of Earth Sciences Zanskar Gorge Winter 1995

For most of the year the Zanskar gorge is inaccessible owing to the size of the river. This team of graduates therefore took advantage of the winter, when temperatures can drop to -30°C, to construct Read more

Expedition: Pan-Celtic Gangotri 1995

The intention of this team was for everyone to climb Shivling (6,543m) by its W ridge, and then for the two Hastons to make the first free ascent of the Spanish Pillar on Bhagirathi Ill, 6454m. Dougla Read more