Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Karst Research to Himalayas 1970 (Caving)

Expedition: Nottingham University Hindu Kush 1972

The team made several first ascents in the area, including the the north face of Koh-i-Khaaik (5860m) and the north face of Koh-i-Mondi (6248m), along with a number of other routes on lower peaks. The Read more

Expedition: British Baltoro Himalaya

Paiju Peak and /or Paiju 2 Read more

Expedition: Scottish Peruvian Andes Expedition 1976

This was a four man lightweight expedition to the Huayanay Group of the Cordillera Vilcabamba of southern Peru. This relatively unexplored cluster of mainly virgin peaks lies to the South of the Rio U Read more

Expedition: New Zealand Everest

Everest by South Col Read more