Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: 1989 Scottish Kishtwar Expedition

Though balked of their main objective, Kishtwar Kailash, by the loss of their high-altitude food, two members of this four-man party made a successful ascent of Sentinel Peak (5,900m), while the other Read more

Expedition: London Shivling Expedition

This team's attempt on the unclimbed buttress of Shivling was abandoned at half height owing to bad weather and four members climbed the mountain by the original W ridge route. Read more

Expedition: British East Face Kedardome Expedition 1984

Poor acclimatisation by some members of this small party frustrated Martin Moran's ambition to tackle the unclimbed 1600m rock 'prow' of the E face of Kedardome. Instead he achieved a technically diff Read more

Expedition: International Karakoram Project 1980

This expedition, involving 70 scientists from China, Pakistan and the UK, carried out 3 months of seismic, glaciological, geomorphological and other field studies in the Karakoram area, including a st Read more

Expedition: Gough Island Scientific Survey 1955-56

This scientific expedition to one of the world's most remote islands conducted a thorough survey of the island from which a map was produced. They also carried out observations of the islands geology, Read more