Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Solu Khumbu

The prime objectives of this team were to climb new routes on the NE Face of Kyajo Ri (6186m) and the SW Face of Kusum Kanguru (6367m), both designated as ‘Trekking Peaks’, and hence subject to reduce Read more

Expedition: Glacier Bay Climbing Expedition

Mount Orville (3199m) is a fine looking peak rising from the Johns Hopkins Glacier, and although it was once climbed from the south, the climbers who made the ascent were killed while descending. This Read more

Expedition: Shiva

Shiva (6142m) is situated above the Pangi Valley of Himachal Pradesh, and had received several previous ascents via the long but relatively easy southwest flank, but the aim of this team was to make t Read more

Expedition: Imperial College Alaska

The Wrangell-St Elias National Park still offers unclimbed peaks between 3000m and 4000m accessible from the Fraser and Baldwin Glaciers, so was the area chosen by four students from Imperial College Read more

Expedition: Little Poobah

Objectives to explore the Fersmana Valley area on the east side of the Western Kokshal-Too in Kyrgyzstan, focusing on new alpine rock routes on the faces either side of the Fersmana Valley, and the fi Read more