Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: Aberdeen University West Greenland 1974

This was a follow up to the 1968 expedition from the same University and part of its object was to test and compare hypotheses of deglaciation developed during the 1968 expedition in an adjoining area Read more

Expedition: British Women's Nepalese 1974

After travelling overland to Nepal in a newly-purchased Ford Transit, the expedition left Kathmandu on 17 September, reaching the site of their base camp in Gokyo 17 days later. After two weeks spent Read more

Expedition: British Speleological to Iran

Cave exploration, with possible new depth record (currently 1313m) Read more

Expedition: Cambridge Garhwal Himalaya 1977

The aims of the expedition were threefold: to climb Rishi Kot, a 6240 metre peak which lies on the ridge running south-west from Changabang in the Nanda Devi Sanctuary; to study the birdlife of the ar Read more

Expedition: Joint Services Himachal Pradesh 1978

Alongside ascents of Minar (6172m) and M6 (6279m), the expedition also carried out a study of liver fluke disease in the grazing flocks of the Chandra Valley alongside ornithological and botanical stu Read more