Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

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1791 results for "1":

Expedition: British Kondus Kaberi (K7) Recce 1975

Reconnaissance of K7 Read more

Expedition: Anglo-American Peru

Expedition: ‘The Silk Road’ Tajikistan 2013

After a 2-week drive from UK to Tajikistan, this team of university students started their walk-in to the mountains surrounding the Rog Valley, but when a rucksack containing a passport rolled down a Read more

Expedition: Gwent Andean Expedition 1983

Thwarted by bad weather after reaching 4,700m on their objective of the undimbed NE buttress of Nevado Veronica (5750m) in the Cordillera Urubamba, this party of six trekked over the Palcay Pass on th Read more

Expedition: Mulu Caves

Tim Allen with Jane Allen, Sam Allshorn, Mark Brown, Kevin Dixon, Andy Eavis, Pete Hall, Matt Kirby, Ian Lawton, Liz Lawton, Dr Gina Moseley, John Palmer, Mark Richardson, Robbie Shone, Meg Stark, Hug Read more