Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Welsh Patagonia 2013

The publication of Rolo Garibotti’s Guide Book has led to an increase in climbers visiting the FitzRoy group, particularly as there were reports that there had been a noticeable improvement in Patagonian weather in recent years. Ripley and Burrows hoped to climb one or more new rock routes in the area and teamed up with Wesseler who they had met previously. However, they discovered that conditions were far too cold for rock climbing, so they had to be satisfied with repeats of the Whillans-Cochrane Route on Aguja Poincenot (3036m) and the Amy-Vidailhet Route on Aguja Guillaumet (aka ‘La Guillo’, 2579m).

November - December 2013
Tom Ripley with Ollie Burrows plus Phil Wesseler from USA

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