Mount Everest Foundation
Supporting the exploratory

Towers of Paine 2002

Despite the name of this expedition, no climbing was actually done on any of the 'Towers' themselves. However, from a base in the Bader (previously Pingo) Valley a number of successes were achieved. Cave & Houlding made the first free ascent of the 800m Spanish route 'fllusiones' on Cerro Mascara (The Mask) in 1½ days at E4, 5C (the original team took 10 days and graded it A3+): Hesleden & Nadin made the first ascent of the West Couloir on Paine Chico, 2,670m, and repeated the Spanish route on Los Cuernos.

January 2002
Andy Cave with Dave Hesleden, Leo Houlding and Simon Nadin plus Neil Harvey & Ross Purdy in support

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